My Story...

I’m a mother of 2 beautiful (but often challenging!) girls, Evie and Elka, and wife to my very supportive husband, Daniel, who indulges all my crazy dreams (thankfully)! My family is my world, yet I’ve sometimes felt like I could be doing so much more for them (not to mention others, and myself, heaven forbid!) –

If only I had the time and energy.

All my life, I’ve wanted to keep learning and growing as a person, and to ultimately use my knowledge to make a difference in other people’s lives. This is probably why I have always ended up in a training position in almost every job I’ve ever had – starting at the tender age of 14. But lately, the pressures of being a working mum have left me with little time to focus on what truly matters to me.

This restlessness left me with a strong desire to change our current lifestyle – not that it was terrible! I just craved more freedom and the flexibility to truly be there for my family when they needed it, whether that be for sickness, special events or the occasional Mummy-Daughter day out.

"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to persue them"

-Walt Disney


My name is Sari Jade

I wanted to be in control of how I spent my time & earned my money, rather than rushing out the door every morning to get to work after the kindy and school drop offs. I wanted more time to seek out new and fulfilling opportunities – without jeopardising our family’s financial future. That’s not too much to ask, is it?!

I've felt this for a long time now BUT I've always looked at it as a dream. Something that only happens if you are lucky enough to win Lotto or get a huge inheritance. Even though I carried a very strong feeling that I am capable of doing amazing things, I never really knew where to start, nor had the balls to truly believe I could make it happen. Instead, I plodded along, doing an amazing job in every role I’ve had – from management and customer service to breastfeeding counselling and child sensory development. But essentially I was creating more money for other people, while earning my standard weekly wage.

What am I doing to get out of this rut? My first step toward gaining more control over my life was to seek out those who have been successful in achieving it for themselves. This led me to discovering the long list of people who have achieved their dreams thanks to The Freedom Formula. Completing this course is giving me the skills I need to build an online income stream, without needing to be a super hot influencer with thousands of social media followers, or particularly tech savvy! This gave us the courage to make our personal dream of travelling around Australia a reality. So here we are, living out of our caravan – and bloody loving it!

Thanks to what I’ve learnt – and a lot of guts! – I am now on the path to being able to ‘work’ the days and hours that suit me with just my laptop or phone and some internet coverage. But what will I do with all this new-found freedom? I guess we’ll find out together!