My Freedom Formula experience (spoiler alert...I love it!)

Jade & Kev of The Freedom Formula...
total legends

I can not really remember the 1st time Jade & Kev of The Freedom Formula popped into my social media feeds but they did and holy moly am I grateful!

I do know that it was in November of 2021 that I chose to do their free Masterclass which led me to doing another masterclass for a small fee which led me to feeling confident enough to purchase their Freedom Affiliate Program.

I felt a little apprehensive about spending the money since we were in the middle of trying to save ready to travel Australia for a year and were on a strict budget so what did give me the confidence to spend the $$$? A few things actually! 

  • I had already identified that what I was looking for was to learn the skills required to try and create a whole new income stream that was led by me. Something I could do in the times and places that suited me. Something that felt up with the times of modern technology. Something that I felt good about doing. Something that would help move my mindset out of working for other people and into believing in myself enough to actually earn my own income.

  • Jade & Kev felt genuine, caring, clever & inspirational to me. It was like I could feel their positive vibes coming straight through my computer

  • The free & low cost content I had accessed so far was simple to understand, easy to follow, made sense and felt fresh & informative. I had enjoyed it!

  • I saw that Jade & Kevs courses did not just focus on technical skills, but also had a strong focus on mindset. A huge bonus and 100% essential if you ask me

  • I knew that to move into the online world I had to upskill myself. It had been a looooong time since I had learnt any computer skills beyone how to use an app, google, word or excel. I knew the online world involved way more than this but I had no idea where to start. The dot points mentioned above showed me that Jade & Kev were more than capable of teaching me these missing skills

  • I liked the fact I could do their course in my own timeframe, learn new skills that I would be able to apply to any business opportunity (be it online or not) and that I could become an affiliate with them if I chose and potentially earn money directly from The Freedom Formula. (really big bonus!)

  • I often make my decisions by thinking about the worst case scenario. In this case it was clear to see that my worst case scenario was spending some money & walking away with new skills & a fresh mindset that I knew would be useful in my future. No brainer really!

"Jade & Kev help everyday people get clarity on the BEST pathway to their dream digital income & then teach them how to build their time freedom business so they can live their best lives!"

At the time of writing this I have been a Freedom Affiliate student for 8 months. I love that Jade & Kev are continuously updating their content to ensure it is completely relevant and up to date. I am constantly inspired by the amazing success that so many of their students are having. I have taken my journey slow and steady as it has been important to me to do a lot of internal, personal work discovering what is truly important to me, exactly what I want to acomplish at this stage of my life and I have been keeping busy working my normal job and parenting of course! Some people have worked through the course at lightning speed and others much slower than me which is one of the benefits of the course...You work to YOUR timing!

I have felt inspired & supported, my mindset has well and truly begun shifting, I have met some amazing likeminded people in our private facebook group. I have most definately upskilled myself (Can not believe that I have created this entire website 100% on my own from what I have learnt in the course with no previous experience at all!!!). I am well on the way to creating a new income stream.

I can see a world full of possibilities and I have the confidence to move into that world and it feels wonderful.

Forever grateful. Jade & Kev of The Freedom Formula...Thank you xxx

My Freedom Formula experience

Did I feel certain that giving the Freedom Formula program a go was a great idea and investment of my money??? Hell No! But turns out it was. This is why...

8/12/20213 min read