The motherhood transformation

Truth Bomb: This picture is NOT the reality of how I looked & felt as a new mum on a normal day

Have you ever stopped to really think, talk or journal about the extent of the transformation you have gone through since becoming a mum OR from any other significant event in your life? I hadn't until I opened up my journal recently & 7.5 years worth of change, transformation, evolving all came pouring out onto my page.

I knew that I was not the same person I was before I became pregnant and I also knew that my parenting journey had not been what I once imagined it would be (in naive, pre motherhood, less experienced version of me!)

But once I got it all out and onto the pages of my journal I had a big realisation...I can not expect to feel, act, think or move the same as I did before pregnancy & babies came into my life. It is time to acknowledge what I have become, decide what is working & what is not & it is time to let go of any unrealistic visions I had of me as a mother and instead work out how to be the best version of me within my new & future realities.

Some of the big lessons I've learnt...

  • Pre-pregnancy I belived falling pregnant would a breeze, my baby would be blissful & calm & I would be a domestic goddess (I actually 100% thought all of this). REALITY: took 2 years to get pregnant, very unsettled baby who has become a child with seperation anxiety & lots of sensitivities & my baby needed to be held all the time ESPECIALLY when it was time to make dinner or do any chores.

  • I would get my pre-baby body back easy peasy by popping my baby into the gym creche while I enjoyed a workout. REALITY: the creche staff could not handle her crying so that didn't last but she did only sleep in the car or pram which meant I got fairly fit from constantly going for walks.

  • Going back to work & continuing my well paying job will be no worries. Between Nanna & childcare i'll be good to go. REALITY: She hated both of these things & I was always stressing that the phone would ring to come & pick her up due to her getting sick or hurting herself. Getting her up, dressed & out the door in the morning was HECTIC & often took Hubby & I to make it happen.

  • Time to add in pregnancy number 2 + difficult toddler + working + volunteering + total sleep deprivation + general life & household jobs...that will go well right?: REALITY: Exhaustion, became an angry wife, didn't appreciate the beautiful moments I did have with my child. Basically I was unrealistically trying to do it all.

  • Baby 2 was born & suddenly going to work was removed from the scenario and holy moly that felt like a relief. This was the 1st moment that I realised maybe my current work scenario may not actually suit my life any more...hadn't thought of that before! I also expected my 2 children to fully adore each other. REALITY: they have a love hate relationship which can be very bloody challenging.

  • Time to return back to work & this time I found a job with 'mum friendly hours' i.e. start late enough to drop them off, finish early enough to pick them up. Sounds perfect and I truly loved the actual job. REALITY: The only 'mum friendly' work hours are ones that are 100% flexible because some mornings do not go to plan & you will run late, children will get sick & you will need to call in sick & children also have lots of events like excursions, concerts, sports days and personally I want to go to all of these which means more days off work.

Now, I realise I have made parenthood sound pretty awful and the reality is that there are actually stacks of the beautiful, amazing moments that I dreamt about long before I became a mum. My point is that we need to try & be open to the fact that there will be many parts of life that will change including your mindset & how you feel about various things. Your priorities will change and there is a lot of stress & juggling that come with being a parent.

It has taken me 7 years to fully acknowledge this and to be brave enough to begin taking steps towards creating an income stream that I am truly in control of. In control of where, when & how I do the work required. Putting my time & energy into an income stream that truly suits ME & MY family. 

This picture is much more what a standard day looked like. No makeup, plenty of sickness & a dummy we struggled to get rid of. But the couch snuggles were nice!


The motherhood transformation

Have you ever stopped to think about how you have transformed, evolved, changed since becoming a mum or since any other big moment in your life?

6/30/20214 min read